The 3-2-1…Go blog

A blog about all things therapy

Charles Yin Charles Yin

Break Through Those Dreaded Plateaus

People quit easily today—including you and me. 

Most worthwhile pursuits come with those dreaded plateaus: times where you just do not feel it or have the motivation.

Here are some tips on breaking through that wall. I hope they are helpful!

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Charles Yin Charles Yin

Remember The Bigger Story

Sometimes acceptance is the bitterest pill to swallow. At these times remember the bigger story:

Values, God’s Goodness, the Better Angels of Your Own Nature

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Charles Yin Charles Yin

Agency & Gratitude: mental health & Faith cornerstones

Mental health is all about approaching life through the lens of AGENCY and GRATITUDE. Empowerment and humility are how we act out AGENCY and GRATITUDE.

It’s amazing how well cutting-edge neurobiology and psychology align with the Christian worldview and understanding of self.

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Charles Yin Charles Yin

AM and PM Rituals to Start up, Wind Down, and Win the Day:   

AM and PM Rituals take up a fraction of your day (4%) yet largely determine the quality of most of your day (64%). By using rituals, the mundane actions essential in creating an amazing day can be done joyfully, consistently, and –over time– habitually (easily, and automatically).

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